Instrument & Technical Journey
Cajon, Custom Cajon & the eventual Farmer Foot Drum
Gingers first foray as a solo performer included a crude setup with a Cajon (box drum) and bass pedal used to provide a basic rhythm. Keeping the performance 100% live with no looping was and still is his signature bare bones approach.
The use of the cajon became a regular thing and evolved with Ginger building a custom cajon with three bass drum pedals mounted inside the cajon. The first gave the bass drum sound, the second, from a small snare mounted inside was the snare sound and the third pedal controlled a cabasa. Ginger soon aded a hi-hat and then later a splash and crash, vibra-slap, tambourine and various shakers.
Gig and Busking Trolley
Pedal Boards
Mixing Desk